PAL-1000 Fast, High-Quality, Low-Cost

Nov 24, 2021

Mineral Process Control’s Pulverise and Leach (PAL) machine is designed and manufactured at our premises in Western Australia.

PAL is a fast, high-quality, low-cost assaying system, used extensively in the global gold and silver mining industry.

The PAL 1000 machine, Pulverises and Leaches (hence PAL!) 52 samples in one hour without the requirement for sample preparation and was developed using the company’s many decades of expertise in commercial assaying laboratories in Western Australia and Africa.

PAL can process a batch of 52 large 1kg samples at the same time, allowing gold tests to be obtained within two hours of the samples arriving at the lab.

For samples containing coarse, nuggety gold, the PAL is an excellent choice.

The machine has 52 steel pots, each with a capacity of up to 1 kilogram of a sample, 1.5 litres of water, and 2 kilograms of grinding material. In less than an hour, samples are thoroughly pulverized (usually better than 90% -75m) and simultaneously leached with cyanide and LeachWELL. Slurry samples are obtained, and AAS is used to analyze the solution for gold. Using DIBK extraction, the PAL method consistently produces a detection limit of 0.01ppm for gold.

The grinding media is then replaced after the pots and grinding media have been rinsed. Each pot is then filled with water, the next sample, and two Assay Tabs, and the operation is repeated. Total turnaround time can be as low as 1.5 hours. One machine is capable of processing around 400 samples per 12-hour shift.

The pulp from the PAL method is retained which allows you to undertake composite fire assay checks or, and this is important in exploration, further mineralisation work to determine other payables.

Using PAL in exploration allows the explorer to understand their total recoverable gold and silver a lot earlier in the mineral reserve estimation process. An increasing amount of miners are understanding the efficacy of the technology in their exploration program.

MPC’s PAL technology does not have to replace existing assaying processes and can be used as a complementary process.

PAL produces Total Cyanide Extractable Gold (TCEG) assays, which are important in understanding how much a gold miners plant should be extracting.

Total gold is important, but you need to understand what is recoverable, and PAL will tell you this quickly, and cheaply.

No other technology that is currently available on the market will provide TCEG at the rate and cost that PAL does. 52 samples in under 2 hours at near to 20% of comparable assay methods.

Contact MPC at or call us on +61 8 9303 2334 to find out how PAL can transform your exploration, grade control or process control.